Software Engineering and QA Consulting

Maven is an open source tool used to build your application. It also helps with generating code and configuration and managing library dependencies. You run maven either from the command line (like BASH or windows CMD) or you can run it within your IDE, like eclipse. 

If you are building your first application, then you should start with the Maven command to setup your project workspace directory.

In this article, we will see how to create a basic Java application, a Java Web Application, a Spring Boot application from Maven, and a Spring Boot Application from Spring.io.

All of these projects are considered "starter" projects, because they get you started in the direction you want to go. You can add to them or copy the contents from these apps into other existing projects. 

Setup Your Environment

Setup Java/JDK 17

I have java/JDK 17 installed from: 

D:\> javac --version
javac 17.0.7


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